See my latest creation — PianoTrainer

WebGL fluid simulation

4 years ago

Rendering SVG Canvas and Tone.js to MP4 video

4 years ago

Dance move detection using TensorFlow

4 years ago

TensorFlow for speech

4 years ago

My first TensorFlow model

4 years ago

Matter.js physics engine

4 years ago

Really cool Canvas animation

4 years ago

Phaser.js game with 3D Sketch

4 years ago

Sampling audio via the browser

4 years ago

Phoneme detection via CMU Sphinx

5 years ago

Generated music and interpolation

5 years ago

Piano MIDI

6 years ago


7 years ago

React animations

7 years ago

Some landing page pizzazz

7 years ago

Confetti - just cuz

7 years ago

Speech training app for people with aphasia

7 years ago

Subscribe to blog updates

7 years ago

Always be producing

7 years ago